
We turn leads into property management contracts for vacation rental companies

Making sure that new leads in your database turn into property management contracts

Generating leads is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you turn those leads into management contracts. But here's the thing: only 3% of leads are ready to sign on the dotted line.

The other 97%? They're like seeds that need watering - they need nurturing to grow into property management contracts.

Our approach

You’ve got leads at different stages:

  • Some are ready to hand over their property keys
  • Others are buying properties and considering their options
  • And some already own properties but are weighing long-term vs. short-term rentals

It’s crucial to stay in touch with all of them. Keep them informed about market trends, share success stories, and offer valuable insights. 

This way, when they’re ready to partner with a property management company, you’ll be their first choice.

Don’t let these leads slip away! 

Keep them engaged, and you’ll be more likely to turn them into loyal customers

"Before GrowProp, our property signings were stagnant, but with a 75% increase in leads, we secured contracts for over 150 new properties."

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with leads, providing relevant information, and staying top-of-mind until they’re ready to buy.

  1. Acquiring leads
  2. Nurturing leads through targeted communication
  3. Segmenting leads based on their actions and providing personalized content
  4. Building trust and value through education and insights
Real-Life Example

Let’s say you have a lead who’s considering short-term vs. long-term rental options.

Through lead nurturing, you can provide them with:

– Market insights and trends
– Case studies of successful short-term rentals
– Testimonials from satisfied homeowners

By doing so, you’ll establish your company as a trusted vacation rental management company, making it more likely for the lead to choose your property management services when they’re ready.

Homeowner-focused Lead Nurturing

Area specific

We use area-specific content to educate leads on the local vacation rental market, highlighting trends and opportunities to maximize their property’s potential.

“Did you know that properties in [neighborhood name] are in high demand during [season/event]?”

Property specific

We create personalized content showcasing the unique features and benefits of each lead’s property, demonstrating our expertise and attention to detail.

“Your property’s [unique feature] makes it an ideal fit for [target audience], increasing its rental potential.”


We share seasonal insights and tips to help leads prepare and capitalize on changing demand, positioning our services as essential for success.

“Get ready for [upcoming season] with our expert advice on [relevant topic], and maximize your rental income.”

Market insights

We provide valuable market data and analysis to educate leads on the local vacation rental market, establishing our authority and expertise.

“[Recent market trend] is impacting vacation rental properties in [area]. Stay ahead of the curve with our expert insights.”

Client stories

We share real-life success stories and testimonials from satisfied clients, building trust and credibility with leads.

“[Client name] saw a [desirable outcome] after partnering with us. Hear their story and learn how we can help you achieve similar results.”

Let us help you nurture your leads and grow your business. Contact us today to learn more about our lead nurturing services and start converting more leads into property management contracts.

Lead nurturing campaigns keep your company top of mind for the 50% of qualified leads who aren't yet ready to buy, increasing the likelihood they'll choose your property management services when they're ready

Inventory Growth for Short-Term Rental Managers

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